GTHHU – Hand Held Unit
– RS485: to program, read meters, and perform on-site diagnosis.
– IrDA Remote Control: high-speed infrared communication
GT-PR310 series is an efficient tool to program and read out meters. Its operating system is simplified DOS, which can run software compiled from assembly language, C language and Pascal language.
GT-PR310 provides a variety of communication interfaces for user’s convenience.
GTOCH – Optical Communication Head
– RS485: to program, read meters, and perform on-site diagnosis.
– IrDA Remote Control: high-speed infrared communication.
GTOCH series of optical interface which enables communication between meters with optical Do-in terrace and read out devised (e.g., PC, HHU, or PDA) with RS232 or USB interface. The OCH is battery independent; however, as an option it can be supplied by a power supply or batteries.
GTMTALK – Meter Talk Management Software
– Reading out of meter data
– Writing commands to set the meter functions
– Clear meter
– Clock settings
– Tariff settings for individual meter types
GT-MTALK is modular developed software which allows and enables communication between a PC and GlobalTronics digital meter. Due to modular set-up, the software can be tailored directly to the customer’s requests. The software is planned in particular for start-up and data read out of the meter as well as for changing basic settings.
GTPSMS – Power Selling Management System
– Provides a rigid management of operation authority, a basic data record function of convenience and standard, and perfect function of data backup, modification and restoration. Briefly, it is safe and reliable.
– Provides comfortable interface. Each step has corresponding prompt. Windows and menus design are simple and clear.
– Provides Menus, Shortcut Toolbar and Tool Panel so that the user can access each module easily. Menus include all the control modules of system function. Shortcut toolbar is composed of daily operation and other relevant modules in common use. Each module can be easily available if user has corresponding authority.
– Administrator can set up operation authority and password of operating personal (who can access the system after logging in with the password).
– It can count precisely the amount of electricity selling and consumption and user can get all kinds of reports including daily, monthly, classified reports, meter reading reports, etc.
– Deals with all kinds of cards read/write operations (test card, checking card, setup card, reset card, and re-buying electricity purchase card).
– The system provides the ACR series of IC card reader-writer.
– Daily work includes registration, installation, power selling, amendment, meter reading, etc.
– All types of search are supported including power purchase record, meter reading record, and customer record.
– Classified security management for manger and operator can be set.
GTPSMS is a power sales management software system. It has graphical user interface (GUI) and clear configuration; it is easy to operate and has a powerful tool for popularizing meter.